concīs Winter 2017 Season Anthology!

The concīs Winter 2017 Season anthology (PDF Download or read online) is out! Featuring: Alicia Cole, Amy Holman, Ashley Kunsa, Brad Rose, Cassandra Farrin, Daniel Y. Harris, Darren C. Demaree, David Bankson, Glenn Ingersoll, J. Mulcahy-King, Jane Huffman, Jennifer Wortman, Joshua Gottlieb-Miller, klipschutz (Kurt Lipschutz), KB Ballentine, Karen Stanislaw, Katy Chrisler, Kevin Dunn, Lorraine Schein, M. S., Mark Budman, Mark Cunningham, Mark McCutcheon, Mark Young, Matt Dennison, Matthew Schmidt, Meg Eden, Megan Collins, Michelle Chen, Philip Arnold, Robin Walter, Sarah Gridley, Sarah Sloat, Sonja Johanson, Soren James, Theodore Eisenberg and Christopher Lee Miles.

Cover: “Loneliness in Ice” by Andrei Zverev

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