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Gerard Sarnat

photo by Gerard Sarnat

Talking shit in footsy PJs — same old surreal kitsch about Himmler’s poison teeth,
Stalin’s spiked lawns, Magen David’s Krakow bagels, that Astaire had been born
Frederick Austerlitz, was Auschwitz the only camp which concentrated on tattoos?,
what a gas chamber music is!, Theresienstadt’s Potemkin village where flower boxes
resembled eye lashes, John Kerry’s Jewish roots, failed common noun wars on cancer
porn typhus terror drugs — blinged alpha shmucko nosey cocaine + croissant grabbers
packed like herring or black sheep who sleep standing near their pickled toy bears, lace
up chimney sweep hoodies, pinched sweat pants, abandoned happy hour drinking boots.

Gerard Sarnat is the author of four collections: Homeless Chronicles: from Abraham to Burning Man (2010), Disputes (2012), 17s (2014) and Melting the Ice King (2016). Sarnat's work has recently appeared in Dark Run and Scarlet Leaf. A graduate of Harvard and Stanford, Sarnat has built/staffed clinics for the marginalized, been a CEO of healthcare organizations and a professor at Stanford Medical School.


  1. fantastic

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