The Downed

Becca Borawski Jenkins

The three of them stood in the field and stared at the cow lying in the grass. Her husband had told her not to look. The old man had concurred. But the old man had shot the cow, so he was not to be trusted.

“My wife is inside and she’s dying,” the old man said.

“That’s not the cow’s fault,” she said.

“It was either me or the cow,” the old man replied.

The cow’s head jerked with a snort. Blood sprayed from its nose onto her husband’s pants.

She waited for her husband to react, but he didn’t.

Becca Borawski Jenkins writes experimental, literary, and dark short stories, is at work on a novel and holds an MFA in Cinema-Television Production from USC. She and her husband live in the Pacific Northwest in a trailer home they built by hand. This is her first publication.


  1. trisha borawski says

    Thought provoking.


  1. […] “The Downed” by Becca Borawski Jenkins via conc?s […]

  2. […] defined as anything 1000 words or less. Check out my most recently published piece of flash: The Downed. It’s only a couple hundred words long — it won’t take you much time at […]

  3. […] The Downed —  concīs (Summer 2016) […]

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