Poetry of the Non-Prose Kind

Tiny Lobsters

Robert W. Fieseler

Denny snacks on termites
that fall from
the thatched roof.

They, too, will dance
in a heated spoon.

[You cover one eye, upset]

Simon Perchik

You cover one eye, upset
though sunlight means nothing now
and against your cheek some mother

strokes her child –you praise half
and what’s left spends the night
the way all wounds begin

as a single touch then end
broken apart under the same wind
birds use for a home

and every morning more sleep
is needed, more darkness, returned
as if it had its beginnings here

is touching down, adored
by one hand held out, the other
no longer moving or found.


Tom Snarsky

Underthought as in underfoot, not
Undercooked. Dry snow, not wet meat.

Images are culpable if thought is
Infinite, like we sometimes imply.

To hold that all can be presented
Again, with minimal complication,

Underappreciates the way dry snow
Hides water from the subtle boundary

Of a phase transition. Melt, refreeze,
Step on, step over. Get out of the way.


Seth Copeland

Before burning, rangers scour
for strays, miss an old

deathwish bison, lenses
isinglass scrabble, heightened spoor

of the next world, lambent,
liminal in windlifted brush fire,

still as an uptown statue.
Zephyrs pare the swart umbra.

Infirm shag ecloses from fluming
helical caul, then retreats.

I take on white noise,
occlude as old world revenant,

rattling chains to
jounce the static of your gaze.

Primary succession. No goodbye.
And when black earth

seethes fade, rangers locate
flameskinned bone,

hear the gooey tar face
pop and spit, and that is that.

kitchen caught

Annie Grizzle

comfortable between keys or connected strings it’s not
 tricky transposition obliging
 on summer wear
i do not hold you dense

Hold Me Closer, Tony Danza

Jaime Garcia

then you wouldn’t understand the people we’ve been.
in a field, the last scenarios left on earth
fight each other
and the broadcast shipwrecks in your throat.
to celebrate the end of the visible universe
we smoke a fuckton of honey oil
and wonder what expanse it is that we really haunt.
the first law of emergencies:
that they are never consumed with this much quiet.

[winter dusk]

Danny Blackwell

winter dusk
   looking back
I turn to nothing

Suspicious looking Tupperware

Mark Young

Chooses her words care-
fully. Scientific before

descending to the biblical.
Thus hermetic instead

of hermeneutic. Ho-
mophonic prefered to

homophobic. The revo-
lutions of evolution

in place of revelations,
divine or otherwise.

Skull Percent Off

Jessie Janeshek

How to rationalize, face-down, eye makeup and packing
 raw meat and eiderdown   slideback, the traintrack.

This was the dogeared philosophy   pushing contaminate
 inside where falseness began.

This was the witch wind   the finger-kinged zodiac dip.
 Many slid down the slide
 of the abandoned pavilion
 slipped off her negligee that way.

 Prince Gallitzin pedaled the organ
 let his hair out the diamond-shaped window.


You had the talent  bluesy, unlucky
the runs in your stocking
economic decline.

Papers soaked up pubic ink
closet calculations
the heavy girl gaze.


Let the clouds serve
 what sawdust does best  wide-eyed and pray.

Bend your head dead  above mutant truths
 a four-legged nativity.

Go ahead and indulge  in popping glass violets

as cutting your teeth
won’t fix what’s left of decay.

American Sentences, New Zealand Lens

Mary Cresswell

Sheep surround the airplane door—howdoyoulikeus?
The urban myth: Ladies a plate, they said, and she
 actually brought one.
I spent three hours in Los Angeles. I know all about
 your country.
We make our own rules. That’s why we need so much
 Number 8 fencing wire.
Clean, green and a good place to raise children. Don’t
 say what you really think.
What do you mean “insular”? If you don’t like us, you
 can always leave.
Now that you’re old and we’ve sucked you dry, when
 are you going to go back home?
No more Miss Liberty, no more Golden Gate—
 only the Southern Cross.
